Saturday, August 2, 2014

July 27 - August 2

I am so excited to get a jump start on my new early morning routine.  I had planned on running a half marathon in September and started out well but soon realized how difficult it was to keep up a good running schedule with all our summer plans.  So, I am back to finding a good routine to help jump start me into something new.  I really just need to be consistent and to give myself balance with my exercising.  I don't want to just be running everyday.  That's boring.  Between Spin, Yoga, Running, Mountain Biking and Swimming I should be well balanced.

M o n d a y

Spin Class
5:30 am

20 miles (33.5 km)
60 minutes

Today was the first day of my new early morning workout series.  I loved spin today.  We spent a great deal of time working on resistance, doing ladders and ended with some fast flats.  So excited to keep this up.

T u e s d a y

Fitness Yoga
5:30 am

Running - Treadmill

Did a couple of miles on the treadmill.  Super easy.

W e d n e s d a y

Spin Class
5:30 am

More of the same as last class.  Mixed it up with hills and flats.

Running - Treadmill

2 miles on the treadmill at easy pace

T h u r s d a y


F r i d a y

Gentle Yoga
5:30 am

S a t u r d a y

Mountain Biking

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