(total running miles = 16.9 miles)
M o n d a y
Insanity - Cardio Power and Resistance
Biking - 20 minutes on the trainer
T u e s d a y
Tempo Run - 4.90 miles
Royal Pine to Union and back with Heartwood loop
32 F . real feel 32 F . Sunny
2 mile warm up
tempo mile - 7:22 avg pace, 6:19 best pace
tempo mile - 6:51 avg pace, 6:22 best pace
.90 mile cool down
I felt like I was running hard but my first tempo mile doesn't show it in terms of time. I think I started out a little slower and started to build gradually instead of just taking the bull by the horns and going faster at the beginning. Then in the middle of that mile I decided to take a different turn on the course which ended up being a little uphill. I will have to be careful in my planning next time. It's good to see that I did end up getting down to a 6:19 pace at some point during that mile. I like to see the best pace time just as much as I like to see my avg pace.
Min Elevation - 6,833 ft
Max Elevation - 7,011 ft
Avg HR - 155 bpm
Max HR - 177 bpm
W e d n e s d a y
Insanity - Pure Cardio
T h u r s d a y
Long Run - 7 miles
Santa Fe Trail AFA South
50 F . real feel 47 F . Sunny
Min Elevation - 6,441 ft
Max Elevation - 6,690 ft
I had a really great run today on the Santa Fe trail. I started out and warmed up for 2 miles. I decided to run the next 3 miles around 8 min pace or under. The idea was to pick it up for the middle of the run. I like to play running games to keep myself motivated. I decided that if my third pick up mile was slower than my second pick up mile that I would have to run another half mile at that pace. So, I pushed it hard during the last pick up even though it was slightly uphill. I came under by 2 seconds so I slowed it down for my last two miles. During my last mile I noticed two girls ahead that I had passed at the beginning. Another game I like to play is catch up. If I see runners ahead of me I try and catch up to them. I did end up catching those girls and ended up running my last mile a little faster than I had intended. Still, it kept me going until the very end. Here are my splits.
Avg Pace
Summary | 57:48.0 | 6.99 | 8:16 |
1 | 8:34.1 | 1.00 | 8:34 |
2 | 8:25.6 | 1.00 | 8:26 |
3 | 7:58.5 | 1.00 | 7:59 |
4 | 8:02.8 | 1.00 | 8:03 |
5 | 8:01.5 | 1.00 | 8:01 |
6 | 8:34.9 | 1.00 | 8:35 |
7 | 8:12.8 | 1.00 | 8:14 |
I try and keep my warm up miles to around 8:30 pace. My goal is to run my long runs at 7:40 pace like I did when I trained for my last 10K. I think it will take me longer to get there here. If I were running on a flat surface that pace wouldn't pose a problem but anytime I have to run uphill even if it isn't that steep, my lungs totally hate me because I can't take in enough oxygen and so my times end up being a bit slower. I am sure over time my body will fully adapt.
F r i d a y
Insanity - Cardio Abs
No running today. Resting my sore legs.
S a t u r d a y
Track Workout - 1000, 1000, 600, 600, 400, 400
Challenger Middle School gravel track
64 F . real feel 64 F . Partly sunny and a little windy
Shoes - Pearl Izumi Emotion
Ran with my new shoes today
5 miles total with warm up and cool down
1 mile warm up, rest between intervals, .75 mile cooldown
1000 m - 4:12 (6:37 avg pace, 5:56 best pace)
1000 m - 4:19 (6:46 avg pace, 6:20 best pace)
600 m - 2:31 (6:39 avg pace, 6:22 best pace)
600 m - 2:32 (6:43 avg pace, 6:02 best pace)
400 m - 1:36 (6:21 avg pace, 5:23 best pace)
400 m - 1:38 (6:28 avg pace, 6:09 best pace)
I strayed a bit from my original track workout intentions of doing 400m repeats and decided to follow more closely the workouts the Namban Rengo running club in Tokyo does every month. I ran with them as much as I could before training for my last 10K and that totally helped. I figure with the longer track intervals I will not only be training for 10Ks but possibly 10 milers and half marathons as well.
This was a TOUGH workout today. I don't know why I always seem to pick the windiest times of the day to run. It didn't seem windy when I left my house but after my first 1000m interval the wind started to pick up. The wind and the fair amount of gravel on the track made for a tough workout. It's hard to not compare my times at 7000ft to my times at sea level. I have decided that for now I am at least 10 seconds slower for every lap than my fastest times at sea level.
400 m - 10 sec slower
600 m - 15 sec slower
800 m - 20 sec slower
1000 m - 35 sec slower
It is interesting to note that when I started adding in track workouts Sep 2012 in preparation for my 10K these were my starting times:
400 m - 1:35
600 m - 2:16 and 2:25
800 m - 3:07 and 3:14
So, I guess I shouldn't really be feeling bad about my times today since my beginning times for the 400 and 600 when training last time are pretty close to what times I ran today.
My fastest 400 m at sea level was 1:25. My fastest 400m at elevation so far has been 1:35.
My fastest 600 m at sea level was 2:11. My fastest 600 m at elevation so far has been 2:31.
My fastest 1000 m at sea level was 3:49. My fastest 1000 m at elevation so far has been 4:12.
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