Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 30 - April 5, 2014

(total running miles = 18.36 miles)

M o n d a y 

Insanity - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Mountain Biking - 5.48 miles (24:41)
Santa Fe trail (Woodmen trailhead towards AFA and back)
48 F .  Real feel 43 F . Sunny

I only had a short amount of time to bike while Abby was in gymnastics today.  Still, I loved being able to bike on the trails again.  It sure beats biking on the trainer.  Today I focused on shorter spurts of speed.

Min Elevation - 6302 ft
Max Elevation - 6441 ft

Avg HR - 144 bpm
Max HR - 171 bpm

T u e s d a y

Tempo Run - 5.50 miles (45:14)
Pinecreek Clockwise Loop
2 mile warm up, 2 mile tempo close to race pace, 1.50 mile cool down
32 F .  Real feel 23 F . Sunny

Avg Pace

During the second of my fast tempo miles I got my pace down to the 6:20's and was able to hold it for a few minutes.  Granted, I was going downhill but I consider this to be a successful pace as I had just run up hill before that and the elevation here just kicks my butt.  

Min Elevation - 6,659 ft
Max Elevation - 7,010 ft

Avg HR - 164 bpm
Max HR - 179 bpm

Mountain Biking - 7 to 8 miles (@1:20:00)
Falcon Trail (my watch died on the way back)
37 F . Real feel 30 F . Sunny

Priscilla and I biked the Falcon trail starting at the B52 trailhead and headed clockwise on the trail.  We found some great spots to park for next time.  I loved this section of the trail as we passed by the golf course and had some great ups and downs.  We almost made it to the intersection of the trail and Community Center Dr.  We ate lunch and then turned around and headed back the same way.

Min Elevation - 6,644 ft
Max Elevation - 6, 780 ft

Avg HR - 125 bpm
Max HR - 159 bpm

W e d n e s d a y

Insanity - Cardio Abs

My body was pretty tired and pretty sore today so I opted to not do a full Insanity video but to do the Insanity ab workout instead.  I was glad I listened to my body.

T h u r s d a y

Easy Run - 3 miles IN THE SNOW (28:25)
Royal Pine loop
28 F .  Real feel 19 F . Snow showers

I was supposed to run my long run today but with all the snow I decided a shorter, slower run would be better.  It was snowing the entire time and the wind was blowing but I was able to have a great run.   Sometimes I just like running in the snow.  There is something so peaceful about it.  

Min Elevation - 6,855 ft
Max Elevation - 6,998 ft

F r i d a y

Long Run - 6.86 miles  (@1:01:57)
Ft. Carson trails
45 F . Real feel 42 F . Partially sunny

This was a really crappy run today as the trails were supper muddy and I had to stop to go to the bathroom twice.  I had to stop a bunch of times to scrap the mud off the bottom of my shoes.  I was pretty disappointed that I didn't choose my trail shoes today.  Mike was biking along side me but had to stop frequently to get the mud off his tires.  Hopefully the next time on this trail will be a more positive experience.

Min Elevation - 5,859 ft
Max Elevation - 6,141 ft

S a t u r d a y

Track Workout - 6x400
Challenger Middle School dirt track
48 F . Real feel 45 F . Partially cloudy with scattered sprinkles 

1 mile warm up

400 m - 1:36.1 (6:17 avg pace, 5:37 best pace)
400 m - 1:36.6 (6:23 avg pace, 5:53 best pace)
400 m - 1:36.9 (6:22 avg pace, 6:03 best pace)
400 m - 1:36.4 (6:25 avg pace, 5:48 best pace)
400 m - 1:39.4 (6:35 avg pace, 6:04 best pace)
400 m - 1:35    (6:16 avg pace, 5:36 best pace)

.5 mile cool down

This was a difficult track workout.  It was windy and cold outside with scattered sprinkles.  This was my first time doing this kind of speed workout at such a high elevation.  I seemed to be able to hold a sub 6 min pace during the first 200m but then lost it on the last 200m as I struggled to get enough oxygen to hold the faster pace.  Hence, most of my times pulled in only an average of 6:20 pace.  This definitely isn't as fast as my track workouts at sea level where I was running 400m anywhere between 1:25-1:29.  I have lots of room to improve and that is how I am going to view this workout today.

Elevation - 6,894
Avg HR - 144 bpm
Max HR - 177 bpm

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