Friday, September 19, 2014

September 7 - 13

M o n d a y

Spin Class
5:30 am

16 miles (60 minutes)

Lots of hill training today.

T u e s d a y


W e d n e s d a y

Running - 4.23 miles

Tried a new route today.  I am tired of running my Royal Pine loop.  It was great!

Avg Pace

Elevation Gain:276 ft
Elevation Loss:298 ft
Min Elevation:6,626 ft
Max Elevation:6,890 ft

T h u r s d a y

Running - Hill Repeats in Manitou Springs

6:00 am

Today was my first day running with the Sunrise Striders group.  GREAT group of runners.

20 minute warmup
8 hill repeats
15 minute cool down

I didn't know what to expect today as this was my first run with faster runners and also my first REAL hill training in such a long time.  I don't count running up hill in my neighborhoods.  We ran UP for 20 minutes to the top of this awesome mountain ledge.  Then it was 8 repeats.  Each hill repeat was about .11 miles and took me anywhere between 50 sec - 1 minute.  I had to jet out of the last repeat when Mike called to tell me he left his wallet in my car.  That last 1 1/2 miles back down to my car was not much of a cool was fast.

1st hill - 50 sec
2nd hill - 50 sec
3rd hill - 54 sec
4th hill - 54 sec
5th hill - 57 sec
6th hill - 60 sec
7th hill - 58 sec

F r i d a y

Much needed legs are toast.

S a t u r d a y


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