(total running miles = @13.5 miles)
M o n d a y
Insanity - Pure Cardio
T u e s d a y
Tempo Run - 2 mile warmup, 3 mile tempo, 1.40 mile cool down (total miles= 6.40)
Pine Creek Big Loop
64 F . Partly Sunny
Min Elevation - 6,665 ft
Max Elevation - 6,997 ft
Avg Pace
Summary | 50:30.0 | 6.39 | 7:54 |
1 | 8:59.2 | 1.00 | 8:59 |
2 | 8:44.9 | 1.00 | 8:45 |
3 | 6:56.5 | 1.00 | 6:57 |
4 | 6:50.6 | 1.00 | 6:51 |
5 | 6:47.5 | 1.00 | 6:47 |
6 | 9:03.2 | 1.00 | 9:03 |
7 | 3:09.0 | 0.40 | 7:56 |
Today's tempo workout was awesome. I took my brother's advice and tried to keep my tempo miles between 6:45-6:55. I felt pretty good today.
W e d n e s d a y
Insanity - Cardio Power and Resistance
T h u r s d a y
Recovery Run - 2 miles warmup (uphill), 2 miles medium pace increasing with the second mile (downhill).
46 F . Sunny
Avg Pace
Summary | 32:41.0 | 4.00 | 8:10 |
1 | 8:25.4 | 1.00 | 8:25 |
2 | 8:25.8 | 1.00 | 8:26 |
3 | 8:02.4 | 1.00 | 8:02 |
4 | 7:47.3 | 1.00 | 7:47 |
5 | :01.7 | 0.00 | 12:42 |
F r i d a y
S a t u r d a y
Petersen's Air Force Base 5K
48F . Sunny
Min Elevation - 6,138 ft
Max Elevation - 6,257 ft
Today's race was bitter sweet. I ran the Petersen's Air Force Base 5K. I was the lead girl the entire time I was running but realized 2.5 miles into the race that I had missed the 5K split and was well on my way into the 10K course. I'm not sure how that happened. They clearly didn't have it well marked. I was so disappointed. I essentially had 2 choices. The first was to run the 10K instead and the other was to run until my GPS clocked 3.10 miles and log that time. Since my first mile was 6:15 I was running rather fast and was on target to break 20 min. My second mile was a little bit slower on the runway as it was pretty windy. I decided to just run the race I had mentally prepared to run. I was so distraught that the last .60 miles was not my best. I ended up clocking in at 20:30. I left the 10K course and found my way back to the finish line. After speaking with the race director about the clearly not well marked split between the 5K and the 10K he apologized and was able to talk with the Bolder Boulder Registration people that were there. They honored my time on my GPS and bumped me up into a higher wave group. After all, that was my goal in running this race today. Now I am in the third fastest wave group for the Bolder Boulder 10K! I'm glad that worked out but I still felt such a let down on the way home. I couldn't help but feel incomplete. Had I not missed the turnoff I would have been the first girl by well over a few minutes, gotten my roses, my medal and would have felt like a million bucks. Instead I have to accept what happened and move on. It's hard but I will not let this little hiccup defeat me in my efforts to destroy the Bolder Boulder 10K on the 26th. It's time to focus on that race now.
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