Saturday, April 19, 2014

April 13 - April 19

(total running miles = 12.21 miles)

M o n d a y

Insanity - Plyometric Cardio

This Insanity workout made me incredibly sore so I don't think I will be repeating this workout until after my race is over.  I will stick to the Pure Cardio and Cardio Power and Resistance workouts.

T u e s d a y

Tempo Run - 4.21 miles 
AFA Academy to Stadium to Parade and back
50 F . real feel 47 F . Partially Sunny

2 mile warm up

tempo mile - 7:00 avg pace, 6:24 best pace
tempo mile - 6:56 avg pace, 6:32 best pace

.70 mile cool down

I was already up at the Air Force Academy returning the skis so I tried to find a nice long stretch where I wouldn't be going uphill during my tempo miles.  I ran down Academy from the dirt parking lot and then headed north on Stadium until I hit my 2 mile warm up mark.  When I turned around I was heading slightly downhill and flat for most of the tempo miles.  It was a bit breezy so that didn't help my pace any.  It was an ok workout.

Min Elevation - 6,604 ft
Max Elevation - 6,795 ft

W e d n e s d a y

no workout today

T h u r s d a y

no workout today 

F r i d a y

no workout today 

S a t u r d a y

Long Run - 8 miles
Santa Fe Trail from AFA trailhead heading south
61 F . real feel 61 F . Partially sunny

Today was a GREAT long run.  I headed south on the trail and did most of my warmup on a relatively flat course.  I tried to keep the rest of my miles pretty relaxed but solid times.  My goal was to not go much slower than a 8:30 pace.  I picked it up during the 7th mile as I was trying to catch up to two girls I had passed at the beginning of my run.  It was simply a game of cat and mouse but it was fun and it kept me going strong at the end of my run.

Avg Pace

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