Falcon Trail
I loved the Falcon Trail. We didn't go all the way around the trail but just did a small section of it. We started on the northern side off of Parade Loop road. We road about 4 miles counterclockwise on the trail before turning around and heading back the same way. There were plenty of steep climbs on this 8 mile ride. It was a lot of fun.

Palmer Park
Today we decided to try the Kinnickinnick Trail and started by the dog park. It was more difficult than we imagined and there were so many times we didn't know which way to go to stay on the trail. There were a few times at the beginning that we had to carry our bikes up huge boulders. Eventually we made it up to the top and were amazed by our view. We stopped on the ledge of the trail and took some pictures before continuing on. As we kept riding the weather started to turn cloudy, windy, and cold. It looked like a storm was coming so we decided to try and find the quickest way down. In our efforts to try and get back down on the other side of the Kinnickinnick trail we ended up coming full circle around a little loop at the top before finding a different trail that led to the Grandview trail. The sun came back out and we found a nice little spot at the Grandview Overlook. We ate our sandwiches and our special waffle cookies and then headed back down on the main road instead of trying to find our way back on the trail. It was a rough start but ended so nicely.

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