Sunday, January 1, 2012

Make It Count

It's a New Year and a very exciting time to re-dedicate myself to the things I want to accomplish this year. As always I hope to maintain a good level of fitness throughout the year. I hope to be more consistent than I was last year with more planned races spread throughout the year. My ultimate goal would be to train for shorter distance races and hopefully get my time down to a competitive level. This year I will primarily be focusing on the 10K with possibly a half marathon and a few 5K races mixed in. I would like to see myself getting a time of 40:00 for the 10K by the end of the year. With some more intense speed training and better eating habits I know that I am capable of that time. One of my Christmas presents this year was a new scale. It's been a couple of years since I have had a scale. I am not one of those people who weighs myself regularly. I guess all that will be changing now. This scale is pretty cool. It not only checks body weight but also body fat, water weight, and muscle mass (all as a percent of total body weight). I was happy to see that my body weight is finally back down to a normal level for my height but completely shocked to see that my body fat% is on the high end for the good range. With that being said, I have been told to not take the body fat% reading from these kind of scales too seriously as they are not that accurate. I will be logging every week where I am at with all my readings in hopes to see the long term trend. I won't be as focused on the individual numbers as I will be with how my progress is. In any rate it will probably keep me humble enough to stay dedicated to my exercise. Here are my readings for this week: Body Weight - 109.8 lbs Body Fat - 23.8% Water Weight - 55.2% Muscle Mass - 35.7%.

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