Thursday, February 4, 2010

Pilates and Core Strength

I have never been very good at doing push ups or ab exercises. I find them annoying and most times I just forgot to do them. After having Abby I noticed a little more love on those love handles and that extra skin that just hangs from having four babies is starting to look really unappealing. It's time to start strengthing that core of mine. Not only will it help me in my running but it will help me feel better about my body after all the damage from having babies. This week I started with an excellent core workout I got from RUNNER'S WORLD. Using a small medicine ball, an inflatable ball and some light weights I was able to do some fun exercises to help strengthen my core muscles. It didn't seem that hard while I was doing it so I added additional sets to my workout. Let's just say the next day I was feeling it hard. I will definitely be adding this routine to my weekly workout.

Yesterday I was feeling a bit unmotivated as I drove to the gym. I didn't want to swim and I didn't want to run very far on the treadmill. Today I opted to try my very first Pilates class. I warmed up on the treadmill first. I was shocked to find that Pilates is really challenging. I had always heard it was a great class but I am totally sold now. The room was calm and inviting. The lights were out with only a little light coming in from the back glass doors and the music was relaxing. I was totally in my own zone and while I was doing these hard exercises I was able to meditate somewhat. I can see why pilates has become so popular among athletes. I will also be adding this to my weekly workout. I am so excited to become more flexible and stronger with a little extra time working on my core strength. Cute little tankini of mine--I promise to look better in you this summer!!!


  1. "a little more love on those love handles" — good one!
    I really mean to do core exercises every day, but always forget to. The only time I do them is when I go to the gym, which is twice a week. Which is better than zero.... Yes, they are really important.

  2. I also go to the gym twice a week. I need to add a little upper body to more core workout as well. What kind of weight program are you doing? How is your running going.

  3. Have you tried Yoga? We did it for RS and I am in love. Also very relaxing but I could tell the next day that it had done some good. Glad I am not the only one with extra "love" on the sides. Unfortunatly I have "love" on the front too.
